Summer Blooms Embroidered Tee(Midnight)PRE-ORDER
Past, present, and future. You have me.
We present a summer capsule that combines our relaxed elegance with YHM’s signature Vancouver aesthetic. The path to the future is hidden in the past, the collection inspiration is drawn from our founder’s admiration of sunflowers, which symbolize adoration and longevity. The number 9 dates back to the founders’ friendship formed through the love for basketball.
Because of its association with the sun, sunflowers are known for being a joyous flower and the perfect bloom to brighten someone’s mood and space, we hope to spread love and positivity this summer along with YHM’s simple message of: Yo! Yuu have me : )
『 夏日綻放刺繡小花T恤 』採用舒適的CASUAL FIT,百搭的微落肩版型,面料觸感厚實柔軟,懸垂感好,服裝輪廓自然有型。胸前綻放太陽花刺繡,花語代表著溫暖、仰慕、勇氣。左右兩袖各邊印上ADORATION、LONGEVITY,隱晦的設計細節,給予內在的力量。衣擺處縫上系列小方標。
透氣吸濕 - 天然純棉材料具備含水率8-10%,環境濕度與溫度提高時,可調節水分使服裝保持水平衡的狀態,穿著親膚舒適。
易打理 - 抗皺性強,耐洗耐磨,常規洗滌不易縮水,色牢度高,不易起球
— Body: 100% Cotton 255g
— Oversized, relaxed fit
— Unisex